Li Xiaozheng, a life of dancing with brush strokes

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 Li Xiaozheng, a life of dancing with brush strokes


Chinese Australian oil painter Li Xiaozheng guides audiences into an idyllic world, which blends East with West, and classic with contemporary.

Li's solo exhibition, themed "Life on Brush", kicked off in Beijing on Sept. 26 as part of the China Art Expo 2012. It became an unexpected success and was highly acclaimed by critics.  >> More


16岁开始学画,年少时走遍万水千山写生创作,几度求学,数次转身,投身实业只为有一日能安心淡然地投入纯粹如初的艺术之理想。2008年11月25日,画家在艺术之梦搁浅12年之后重拾看似久违的画笔。这一次的启航,不再停歇。>> More

 Li 's masterpiece: "Renew" 

 About Li Xiaozheng  画笔舞者李小争


Li Xiaozheng, 55, is a renowned Chinese Australian oil painter. Li, who began his painting career at the age of 16, is dubbed an "idyllic prose artist" by his followers and collectors. Li, who draws his inspiration from nature, unveils a fantastical world with allegorical or symbolic significance through trivial scenes taken from everyday life. 


李小争,著名澳籍华人油画家,1957年出生于北京,16岁开始习画,曾师从知名国画家李中贵先生及油画家黄今声教授,喜好实景写生,绘画作品核心即为“本真”二字。画家被誉为“诗意的生活散文画家”,他将东方与西方、古典与现代、形似与神悟、理性与感性相结合相融汇,作品以小见大,形象韵丰趣浓意真。 >> More

 Classic Works  经典作品撷趣



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