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Hutong Life
Preserving Beijing's old houses a big task
A sinuous, silver-white building looms in the background of hutong (alleyways) near the Second Ring Road of Beijing.
The last state-run traditional grocery in Beijing
Zhaofujie Grocery, known as the last state-run grocery in Beijing, is popular among Beijingers who enjoy its authentic soya bean sauce, sesame sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, pickles and other old-Beijing foodstuffs and goods.
Beijing's green courtyard
A "water recycling" concept integrated into the repair work has allowed the No. 3 courtyard of Banchang Alley in Nanluo-guxiang to operate in a green way.
Top 10 most attractive hutongs
The Hutong, an old-style city alley or lane, is one of the most distinctive features and must-see attractions in Beijing. The followings are the top 10 attractive hutongs in Beijing.
Morning market in Beijing's hutongs
Have a glimpse of the morning market in Beijing's hutongs.
Enjoy peaceful life in Wudaoying Hutong
This is one of Beijing's oldest Hutongs, yet it is also the city's newest trendy hangout.
Nanluoguxiang (Southern Bell and Drum Alley)
The alley is said to have been constructed in 1267 AD during the Yuan Dynasty and claimed to be the best preserved exiting hutong from that era.
Yandai Xiejie (Skewed Smoking Pipe Street)
This 300-meter-long hutong is said to be one of the oldest commercial streets in Beijing.
The old Chinese- and Western-style buildings make it an interesting place to visit.
Mao'er Hutong (Hat Alley)
The Keyuan Garden, a well-preserved private garden, is located in this neighborhood.
Dashilan is located to the south of Tiananmen Square, west of Qianmen Street.
Three interesting hutongs
Check out the three most interesting hutongs in Beijing.
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