Chang'an Athletic names head coach after 3-month void

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, January 20, 2022
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XI'AN, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China's second-tier football club Shaanxi Chang'an Athletic on Thursday named Wang Baoshan as its new head coach.

Chang'an Athletic had been without a head coach since October 14, 2021. Feng Feng was named a caretaker coach following the departure of former head coach Oscar Cespedes Cabeza.

Wang, 59, is a former Chinese international. Since 1994, Wang had coaching spells in several Chinese Super League sides including Jiangsu Sainty, Henan Jianye and Tianjin Teda.

In 2021, Wang was appointed as a member of technical committee of the Chinese Football Association (CFA).

"Wang's football career started in Shaanxi province, he loves his hometown and we welcome him home," Chang'an Athletic said in a media release.

"We believe that our new experienced head coach will bring us good results and more joy," it added.

Chang'an Athletic finished sixth last season in China League One. Enditem

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