Xinhua Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, May 24

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, May 25, 2024
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CANBERRA -- The Australian government has announced funding to restore an ancient Chinese processional loong, or dragon, after vandals damaged it.

Loong and other important artifacts were damaged earlier in May by vandals at the Golden Dragon Museum in Bendigo - a gold rush town in the state of Victoria. (Australia-Parade dragon-Repair)

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SYDNEY -- An emergency response team has been sent to Papua New Guinea (PNG)'s northern Enga province after a massive landslide hit the region early Friday morning, local media reported.

Enga provincial administrator Sandis Tsaka told Loop PNG that the emergency force was deployed to the landslide incident site at Mulitaka in Porgera-Paiela district to assess damages. (PNG-Landslide-Emergency Response)

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SYDNEY -- The state government of Western Australia (WA) has recently established a new trade office in China's Zhejiang Province, eyeing new trade and investment opportunities.

"We've enjoyed a sister-state relationship with Zhejiang Province for more than 30 years, and with rapidly growing opportunities in clean energy, technology, and primary industries, now is the time to step up our engagement," WA Premier Roger Cook announced Thursday. (Australia-China-Trade Office)

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HONG KONG -- The eighth Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Symposium concluded here on Friday, with the "Hong Kong Declaration on Strengthening International Cooperation in Preventing and Fighting Corruption" being adopted.

Announcing the declaration at the closing ceremony of the symposium, Hong Kong's ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming called on international counterparts to stand united in the mission to eradicate corruption and uphold the principles set out in the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). (HK-Corruption-Symposium) Enditem

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