Li Keqiang: Bring about a better future for China-Africa cooperation

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-05-16
女士们,先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,
中非合作谱写了辉煌的篇章,现在正翻开崭新的一页。中非共同利益更加广泛,合作基础更加坚实,双方合作应乘势而上,抓住机遇,着眼未来。中国愿与非洲国家共同努力,积极推进六大工程,打造中非合作的升级版。 With splendid chapters already written, China-Africa cooperation is poised to turn a brand new page. Characterized by their unprecedented scope of common interests and a much more solid foundation, China-Africa cooperation should seize the good opportunity and focus on the future. China would like to make joint efforts with African countries to actively promote major projects in six areas to upgrade our cooperation.
第一,实施产业合作工程。近年来,中非贸易快速增长,下一步应促进贸易增量提质,力争实现到2020年中非贸易规模达到4000亿美元左右,中国对非直接投资存量向1000亿美元迈进。中方将积极参与非洲工业化进程,加强同非洲的产业合作,促进纺织服装、轻工家电等劳动密集型产业和制造业发展,推动能源资源产业转型升级,增强非洲自我发展能力,实现中非产业战略对接。基础设施是产业发展前提。中方将积极参与非洲公路、铁路、电信、电力等项目建设,实现区域互联互通。中方倡议实施“中非区域航空合作计划”,支持中国企业与非方建立合资航空公司,提供民用支线客机,共同发展非洲区域航空业。为帮助非洲实现建立高速铁路网的梦想,中方愿同非方开展工程、装备、标准、规划等合作,并在非设立高铁研发中心,把技术、培训、管理经验与非方分享。 First, we need to work together on industrial cooperation projects. In recent years, trade between China and Africa has grown rapidly. In the next stage, we may scale up our trade both quantitatively and qualitatively to reach the goal of increasing the volume of China-Africa trade and China's direct investment in Africa to US$400 billion and US$100 billion respectively. China will actively participate in Africa's industrialization and strengthen industrial cooperation with Africa. We will promote the development of such labor-intensive and manufacturing sectors as textile, garment and household appliances, work for the transformation and upgrading of energy and resource industries, enhance Africa's capacity of self-development and achieve the alignment of industrial development strategies between China and Africa. Infrastructure is essential to industrial development. China will get actively involved in highway, railway, telecommunications, electric power and other projects in Africa to facilitate regional connectivity. China proposes a China-Africa Regional Aviation Cooperation Plan, under which we will encourage Chinese enterprises to set up aviation joint ventures with African counterparts to provide civilian regional jets and jointly develop regional aviation in Africa. To help Africa achieve the goal of building a high-speed railway network, China is ready to conduct cooperation with Africa in engineering, equipment, standards and planning and establish a high-speed railway R&D center in Africa to share with our African partners relevant technologies, experience and training and management expertise.
第二,实施金融合作工程。中非务实合作离不开金融支持。中方决定向非洲国家增加100亿美元贷款额度,使已承诺贷款提供额度达到300亿美元,用于双方商定的项目。同时,为中非发展基金增资20亿美元,达到50亿美元规模。希望用好非洲中小企业专项贷款,支持非洲中小企业发展,并与非洲开发银行商谈建立联合融资基金,搭建非洲基础设施建设包括支线航空网、高速铁路网三方合作平台。中方支持双方加强在跨境本币结算、货币互换、互设金融分支机构等方面进行合作。 Second, we need to work together on financial cooperation projects. Finance is vital to our practical cooperation. China has decided to provide an additional US$10 billion credit line to African countries for mutually agreed projects, raising the total amount of promised credit to US$30 billion. We will also put another US$2 billion into the China-Africa Development Fund to raise it to US$5 billion. We hope the special loans for African SMEs will be made good use of to support their development. We want to work with the African Development Bank to establish a joint financing fund and build a trilateral cooperation platform for Africa's infrastructural development, including the regional aviation network and high-speed railway network. China supports bilateral cooperation in cross-border local currency settlement, currency swap, and mutual establishment of financial branches.
第三,实施减贫合作工程。贫困是人类公敌,减贫是民生之首。中国过去20年减贫事业取得重大成就,但按世界银行标准仍有2亿多贫困人口。非洲的减贫事业同样任重道远。中国和非盟此次发表了加强中非减贫合作纲要,我们愿同非洲国家分享减贫经验。中国将继续派遣援非医疗队,加强中非卫生医疗合作。今年是非洲的农业和粮食安全年。中国将与非盟和非洲国家共同实施“农业优质高产示范工程”,提升非洲国家农业技术水平和农产品产量。中国对非援助将更多向饮用水、传染病防治等民生领域倾斜。 Third, we need to work together on poverty reduction projects. Poverty is a public enemy of mankind, and poverty reduction is of great importance for improving people's lives. China has seen a big success in poverty reduction in the past two decades. Yet by World Bank standards, over 200 million people in China are still living below the poverty line. Poverty reduction in Africa is similarly a daunting task. During my visit, China and the AU issued the Program for Strengthening China-Africa Cooperation on Poverty Reduction. We are ready to share our experience with African countries on poverty reduction. We will go on sending medical teams to Africa and enhance bilateral cooperation on health care. The year 2014 is Africa's Year of Agriculture and Food Security. China will join the AU and African countries in jointly implementing the "High Quality and High Yield Agriculture Demonstration Project" aimed at upgrading agricultural technology and farm output in Africa. China will devote greater part of its assistance to Africa to providing drinking water, preventing and treating infectious diseases and other areas related to people's livelihood.
第四,实施生态环保合作工程。保护生态环境是我们共同的责任。非洲独特的自然生态环境,能唤起人们对远古时代的记忆和对美好家园的向往。为保护非洲野生动物资源,中国政府将向非洲提供1000万美元无偿援助,加强与非洲国家的技术合作和经验分享。中国政府也将严格执行我们参与签署的野生动物保护国际公约,以及同有关国家签署的双边协议。我们还将推进在肯尼亚建设“中非联合研究中心”,围绕生物多样性保护、荒漠化防治、现代农业示范等非洲国家关心的问题,不断加强中非生态环保领域合作,积极发展清洁能源和可再生能源,在保护中发展,在发展中保护,让美丽中国和绿色非洲一路同行。 Fourth, we need to work together on ecological and environmental protection projects. Ecological and environmental protection is our shared responsibility. Africa's distinctive ecosystem rekindles our collective memory of mankind's distant past and arouses our aspiration for a better homeland. To better protect Africa's wildlife, the Chinese government has decided to provide a grant of US$10 million in support of closer technical cooperation and experience sharing between China and African countries, and the Chinese government will also strictly abide by the international and bilateral agreements it has signed on wildlife protection. We will also promote the setting up of a "China-Africa joint research center" in Kenya which will focus on bio-diversity protection, desertification control, modern agriculture demonstration and other areas of interest to Africa. We will keep stepping up our cooperation on ecological and environmental protection and actively develop clean energy and renewable energy. The aim of these efforts is to pursue development and environmental protection in a holistic way and build a green Africa that enjoys sustainable development.
第五,实施人文交流合作工程。心心相印才能亲密无间。我们将加强中非人文互动,办好“中非文化合作伙伴计划”、“中非民间友好行动”等品牌项目,在非增设中国文化中心和孔子学院,让中非友好更加深入人心。中方将通过开展科技教育合作、强化职业培训等多种方式,帮助非洲国家提升人力资源素质。我们鼓励更多中国公民赴非旅游,也欢迎更多非洲朋友来中国旅游、留学、投资兴业。 Fifth, we need to work together on cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Mutual affinity grows when the hearts and minds of our people meet. We will step up cultural interactions with African countries, making such brand programs as the China-Africa Cultural Cooperation Partnership Program and the China-Africa People-to-People Friendship Action a success, setting up still more Chinese cultural centers and Confucius Institutes in Africa, and helping China-Africa friendship strike deeper roots in people's hearts and minds. China will work through cooperation programs in science, technology and education as well as enhanced vocational training and other means to help African countries improve the caliber of their human resources. We encourage still more Chinese tourists to visit Africa and welcome African friends to come to China for visits, study, investment and business.
第六,实施和平安全合作工程。没有和平稳定的环境,发展就无从谈起。中方坚定支持非方以非洲方式解决非洲问题。我们将深入落实“中非和平安全合作伙伴倡议”,积极探讨向非洲常备军和快速反应部队建设提供帮助,支持非洲集体安全机制建设,与非方共同拓展在人员培训、情报共享、联演联训等方面合作,帮助非方增强维和、反恐、打击海盗等方面的能力。 Sixth, we need to work together to enhance peace and security. Without a peaceful and stable environment, development will be out of the question. China firmly supports Africa in its efforts to resolve African issues in African ways. We will earnestly implement the Initiative on China-Africa Cooperative Partnership for Peace and Security, actively explore ways to help the development of an African Standby Force and African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises, support the collective security mechanisms in Africa, expand bilateral cooperation in personnel training, intelligence sharing and joint exercises and training, and assist Africa to enhance its capacity building in peacekeeping, counter-terrorism and counter-piracy.
中非合作论坛是深化中非关系的一个重要平台。多年来,论坛为加强中非集体对话、促进中非务实合作发挥了重要作用。我们要不断完善机制,充实合作内涵,让论坛更加务实高效。明年是论坛成立15周年,中方愿与非方共同办好第六届部长级会议,推出更多契合双方需求的举措,使中非合作始终走在国际对非合作前列,结出更加丰硕的成果。 The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is an important platform to deepen China-Africa relationship. It has played an important role in enhancing collective dialogue and practical cooperation between the two sides. We need to continue to improve this mechanism, enrich its content and make the platform more practical and efficient. Next year will be FOCAC's 15th anniversary. China is ready to work with Africa to make its sixth ministerial conference a success by rolling out more measures suited to the needs of both sides, keeping China-Africa bilateral cooperation always at the forefront of international cooperation with Africa and produce more fruitful outcomes in China-Africa cooperation.
女士们,先生们! Ladies and Gentlemen,
埃塞俄比亚是屹立于东非高原的文明古国,这里有“十三个月的阳光”,是飘香咖啡的故乡。埃塞俄比亚人民勤劳勇敢,珍视自由,素有反抗外来侵略的光荣传统。埃塞俄比亚人民革命民主阵线执政以来,带领人民积极探索适合本国国情的发展道路,国家面貌日新月异,在非洲地区事务中发挥着重要作用。到访埃塞俄比亚两天来,我已充分感受到,在海尔马里亚姆总理和埃塞俄比亚政府的领导下,贵国人民在国家建设征途中不断取得新的成就,我向埃塞俄比亚人民表示衷心祝贺! Ethiopia is a country with a time-honored civilization on the East Africa Plateau, known to enjoy thirteen months' sunshine every year, and being the original home to the aromatic coffee. The diligent and courageous people of Ethiopia love freedom and have a glorious tradition of standing up to foreign aggression. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, since coming into office, has rallied the Ethiopian people to actively explore a development path suited to the country's conditions. While achieving impressive progress in nation building, Ethiopia has played an important role in regional affairs of Africa. Over the past two days since I arrived in Ethiopia, I have seen for myself that under the leadership of Prime Minister Hailemariam and the Ethiopian government, the Ethiopian people have made continuous progress in national development. I wish to extend my sincere congratulations to the Ethiopian people for what they have accomplished.
非洲神话中的长生鸟菲尼克斯每隔五百年引火自焚,然后在灰烬中再生,中国神话中也有凤凰涅槃的故事。这两个故事,异曲同工地象征着中华民族伟大复兴和非洲复兴的历史必然。“千川汇海阔,风好正扬帆。”让我们抓住机遇,风雨同行,共创中非关系发展更加美好的未来! In African legend, the Phoenix, a long-lived bird, dies by fire every 500 years, only to rise from the ashes to be reborn again. In Chinese culture, you can find a similar story of a mythical bird named Fenghuang that, too, cyclically regenerates itself. These two legends seem to be telling us that the great renewal of the Chinese nation and the African continent represents an unstoppable historical trend. "Facing the vast ocean that embraces thousands of streams, let us set sail now that the wind is fair". Let us seize the opportunities and join hands, come rain or shine, to bring about an even better future for China-Africa relations.
谢谢大家。 Thank you.

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