
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 人民网  2015-04-24

前不久爆红网络的最红废墟涂鸦作者法国艺术家Julien Malland在上海又有了新作——由他精心创作的9幅江南风涂鸦亮相金山枫泾古镇的农舍。风格鲜明的法国涂鸦遇上了色彩艳丽的金山农民画,中西艺术的结合,碰撞出一种神奇的效果,颇引人注目,吸引了大批游客来此拍照留念。[人民网]
Recently nine fantastic graffiti appeared on the cottages of an ancient town in Shanghai. Julien Malland, the hottest French street artist, combined oriental and western art elements to create these works, attracting many people to take photos. (Photo/People's Daily Online)

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