
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网, 人民网  2015-05-27


中国钢管舞国家队队员,被圈内誉为钢管舞“男神”的舞鑫,今年曾代表中国出战钢管舞世锦赛。24日在接受采访时,舞鑫告诉记者,国内男生跳钢管舞的极少,而国外就很多,很多人仍不好意思或怕被人耻笑。其实,男孩跳钢管舞很阳刚帅气,练出的体型比例也很非常棒。目前,这位中国男性钢管舞领军者,正担任着国内知名竞技钢管舞院校尚界钢管舞学院的主教练,立志为南方市场培育竞技钢管舞人才。[中新网 王曦 摄]
Wu Xin, who represented China to attend the pole dancing world championship early this year, is an outstanding male pole dancer. Male pole dancers are scarce in China since they are still misunderstood by some people. However, Wu Xin, as the chief couch of a famous pole dancing school, has decided to train more male pole dancers for athletic pole dancing. [Photo/Chinanews]

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