国内首条音乐玻璃栈道竣工 游客爬行体验

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2015-05-29

Play a melody while walking on musical cliff road 

5月27日,国内首条音乐玻璃栈道在湖南平江石牛寨竣工迎客。游客们纷纷来到此地,用脚踩出各种自己喜爱的音符。据介绍,此条长180米的音乐玻璃栈道位于300米悬崖之上,采用特制的双层玻璃制成,玻璃中掺有感应电子元器件,能演奏出70个不同音符。[中新网 杨华峰 摄]
Visitors walk along a glass path that was built of the side of a cliff 300 meters above sea level on a mountain in Pingjiang, central China's Hunan province on May 27, 2015. The 180-meter-long interactive playful musical road featuring electronic components can make visitors play a melody when walking on it. The playful path is the first one of this kind in China.[Photo/China News Service]

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