中东部持续寡照 农业受影响严重

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2015-11-26

11月25日,在山东省茌平县贾寨镇邢胡刘村西红柿大棚里,因近期低温寡照天气的影响,西红柿没有发红成熟。[中国网图片库 赵玉国 摄]

11月25日,在山东省茌平县贾寨镇邢胡刘村西红柿大棚里,因近期低温寡照天气的影响,西红柿没有发红成熟。[中国网图片库 赵玉国 摄]
Due to the low temperatures and short periods of sunshine, these tomatoes won't turn red and ripen in a greenhouse in Xinghuliu Village of Chiping County in east China's Shandong Province, on Nov. 25, 2015. [Photo by Zhao Yuguo/photostock.china.com.cn]

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