中东部持续寡照 农业受影响严重

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2015-11-26

11月25日,在山东省茌平县贾寨镇邢胡刘村西红柿大棚里,镇机关工作人员李清勇(左)查看西红柿的长势情况。自入冬以来,该地区一直遭受低温寡照天气的影响。[中国网图片库 赵玉国 摄]
Local official Li Qingyong (L), together with a villager, examines the growth of tomatoes in a greenhouse in Xinghuliu Village of Chiping County in east China's Shandong Province, on Nov. 25, 2015. The area has suffered from low temperatures and short periods of sunshine since the onset of winter. [Photo by Zhao Yuguo/photostock.china.com.cn]

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