第二届世界互联网大会乌镇启幕 鼓励绿色出行

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2015-12-16

12月15日,浙江省桐乡市乌镇,一辆宝马i3纯电动汽车停靠在路边。第二届世界互联网大会将于12月16日在乌镇拉开大幕。为保障会议期间空气质量,鼓励参会嘉宾绿色出行,大会主办方使用了很多无污染绿色交通工具。[中国网 陈博渊 摄]
A BMW i3 pure electric car is parked on a roadside in Wuzhen, the location of the second World Internet Conference (WIC) on Dec. 15, 2015, one day prior to the event's opening ceremony. The environmental-minded WIC authority uses many pollution-free vehicles to ensure sound air quality during the summit. [Photo by Chen Boyuan / China.org.cn]

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