
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-05
1月30日,安徽省临泉县高塘乡任营村农民任保刚(右二)与爱人王永玲(中)、儿子任治强(左二)、儿媳李贝贝(左一)、女儿任苗苗(右一)、孙子任宇(前)一起乘坐安徽芜湖开往安徽阜阳的K8554绿皮车回家过年。2001年起,任保刚开始在安徽芜湖打工,后来一家人陆续都到了芜湖工作。任保刚说:“只要一家人在一起,在哪里都是家。”[新华社 刘军喜 摄]
Ren Baogang (R2), a rural farmer from Anhui Province, journeys home on Jan. 30, 2016, with his wife Wang Yongling (C), son Ren Zhiqiang (L2), daughter-in-law Li Beibei (L1), daughter Ren Miaomiao and grandson Ren Yu (front). Embarking on a migrant life from 2001, the family of Ren moved to Wuhu, Anhui Province. "As long as the family are together, there is home everywhere," Ren Baogang said. [Photo/Xinhua]

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