
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-06-30


中国大熊猫保护研究中心的两只大熊猫“华妍”、“张梦”在卧龙核桃坪野化培训基地接受为期两年左右的野化培训后,预计将于2016年7月初正式放归四川栗子坪自然保护区。在两年左右时间里,大熊猫“华妍”和“张梦”陆续经历了第一阶段和第二阶段的野化培训,培训内容包括:能自己采食野生食物而不依赖人工食物;能独立寻找水源;能在野外寻找隐蔽所,而不依赖人工设施;警觉性较高,能识别天敌、伴生动物和同类个体,并且能够有效躲避天敌或其他危险动物等。 [中国新闻网]
Giant panda "Hua Yan" and "Zhang Meng" are being trained in China's Giant Panda Protection and Research Center's Wolong base before they will be set free in July. According to the staff member, these two pandas were trained for two years and learned skills like finding water, food and shelter, identifying their natural predators, and living in a pack. [Photo/Chinanews.com]

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