
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2016-09-26

9月25日,山西运城,被跨湖大道分割开的盐湖湖水呈现红绿两色。据了解,泛红一侧的盐湖中生长着一种叫杜氏盐藻的嗜盐绿色微藻,在特定的环境下,杜氏盐藻会产生血红素,藻体呈红色,因此造成了盐湖两侧的色彩差异。[中新社 韦亮 摄]
Photo taken on September 25, 2016 showing the Yuncheng Salt Lake in east China's Shanxi province. The green and pink colors are caused by micro-organisms or micro-algae such as Dunaliella salina which thrive there. Weather can also affect the water's color. [Photo: Chinanews.com]

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