
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2016-09-29

9月27日,无锡滨湖区蠡湖大道与具区路交界处,一群户外运动爱好者在巨大的冷藏室内用人造冰块搭建冰屋并“入住”。他们分工协作,将工人用切割机切好的冰块逐一摆放,并架起炉灶生火、煮水、烧烤。据悉,这些户外运动爱好者来自上海,他们将待在冰屋中长达10个小时,再度挑战极寒温度下生存的极限。[中新网 孙权 摄]
Outdoor sports fans make an ice room in Wuxi City, East China’s Jiangsu Province, Sept. 27, 2016. The fans from Shanghai plan to stay in the room for ten hours as a challenge. (Photo: China News Service/Sun Quan)

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