
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2016-12-07

12月5日,深航在国内航空公司中首家引入16台智能机器人“上岗”,代替部分人工在旅客休息室进行对客服务。这些机器人可以播音乐、跳舞,会讲故事、逗趣旅客,还能解答旅客提出的乘机问题。据深航地服部尊鹏阁的工作人员介绍,它们是深航刚引进的一款能为旅客提供咨询、指引、娱乐互动等系列服务的智能机器人,名字叫“尊鹏小宝”。此举让深航将多样化、智能化、人性化的服务更好地融入旅客的候机体验当中。图为旅客在休息厅与智能机器人互动。[中新网 李研 摄]
A man interacts with a robot in a passenger lounge in Shenzhen, South China’s Guangdong province on December 5, 2016. China's Shenzhen Airlines has introduced 16 robots to serve in passenger lounges beginning Dec. 5. The robots, named "Zunpeng Xiaobao," are able to directly interact with passengers. The robots can reportedly talk, dance, tell stories and play music. According to an employee with Shenzhen Airlines, the robot can provide consultations, guidance and entertainment. Shenzhen Airlines hopes to improve the passenger experience with this diversified, intelligent and personalized service. (Photo: China News Service/ Li Yan)

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