
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2017-01-20

1月19日上午,参加2017国际友人看吉林主题采风暨“中外记者吉林行”的中外友人参观了吉林市郊的雾凇岛。雾凇岛四周有常年不冻的江水流淌,水面的雾气遇冷直接凝华成霜,挂在枝头,便成为了雾凇。[中国网 陈博渊 摄]
The Rime Island at the suburb of Jilin City, Jilin Province in northeast China has a good view in deep winter on Jan. 19, 2017. Rime, or frost coating, happens when water vapor in fog rapidly freezes when it comes into contact with cold objects. [Photo by Chen Boyuan / China.org.cn]

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