
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网, 中国日报网  2017-02-22

2月21日,大熊猫“宝宝”在美国华盛顿的国家动物园玩耍。当日,华盛顿国家动物园的大熊猫“宝宝”起程回国。它被放在一个特制的箱子中,搭乘联邦快递公司的波音777专机飞往中国成都。陪“宝宝”同行的有华盛顿国家动物园的一名饲养员和一名兽医,以及20多公斤的竹子、约1公斤的苹果等食物。“宝宝”2013年8月23日在华盛顿国家动物园出生,它的父母“添添”和“美香”2000年从中国来到华盛顿国家动物园。[新华社 殷博古 摄]
Giant panda Bao Bao plays before leaving the zoo, in Washington D.C., the United States, Feb. 21, 2017. Logistics company FedEx Express provides a special crate for Bao Bao, who will be transported onboard a custom-decorated FedEx Express 777 Freighter. The direct charter flight will fly nonstop from Washington's Dulles International Airport to Chengdu in Sichuan. A keeper and a veterinarian from the Smithsonian's National Zoo will accompany Bao Bao onboard the aircraft, continuously monitoring her during the trip and providing a supply of fresh water, bamboo and her favorite treats, including apples, pears and cooked sweet potatoes. Bao Bao, a female panda born in August 2013 at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, D.C., is the offspring of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, who have lived at the zoo since 2000. (Xinhua/Yin Bogu)

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