
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-03-23

长春市民刘泽贤今年78岁,搞机械设计出身的他一直对老建筑情有独钟。为让后人能了解长春历史,他用黑白线条勾勒出了“伪满八大部”、孝子坟、伪满皇宫等长春百余年间的建筑和街景。11年时间里,他参考众多历史资料和老照片,以钢笔画写实的手法创作了老长春建筑景观画330余幅。钢笔、放大镜是刘泽贤绘画时的必备工具。刘泽贤说,他要用这种方式让更多的人了解长春的历史。[中新网 张瑶 摄]
Liu Zexian, 78, shows pen pictures of old buildings in Changchun City, the capital of Northeast China’s Jilin Province. Previously, Liu worked in the field of mechanical design and over 11 years has created 330 pictures showcasing the city’s traditional architecture. He said he hopes his pictures can help people better understand the city’s history. Mostly, Liu makes the pictures using a pen and a magnifier. (Photo: China News Service/Zhang Yao)

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