
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-04-18

4月16日,中国首座全智能无人值守自行车存取系统,在天津职业技术师范大学投入使用。据了解,该存车楼主体为高8米,直径8米的圆筒状钢结构,可存放120辆20-26英寸的自行车,通过刷身份证、学生卡可将自行车快速便捷的存放在车库内。[中新社 佟郁 摄]
An automatic bicycle parking system is in use at the Tianjin University of Technology and Education in Tianjin, April 16, 2017. People can use their ID or student card to stop and park bicycles in the cylindrical structure that is eight meters tall and eight meters in diameter. The innovative structure, said to be the first of its kind in China, can hold 120 bicycles with 20 to 26-inch wheels. (Photo: China News Service/Tong Yu)

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