5吨重“巨无霸”豆腐亮相老君山 1小时被吃光

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-05-15

5.5-ton tofu gobbled up in an hour

5月14日,道教圣地河南洛阳栾川老君山中天门广场老子像前,游客们分食一块5吨多重的“巨无霸”豆腐。据悉,30余名栾川豆腐制作师通宵达旦忙碌,用时18个小时,为“仙境朝圣节”活动赶制出一块直径8米、重达11000余斤的太极八卦造型豆腐。豆腐制成后,一个小时内即被万名游客免费分食一空。[中新社 王中举 摄]
Tourists share tofu during a Taoist festival on Laojun Mountain in Luoyang City, Central China's Henan Province, May 14, 2017. It took more than 30 cooks 18 hours to make the tofu that is in the shape of a Tai Chi diagram. Tourists consumed the tofu that measures eight meters in diameter and weighs 5.5 tons in an hour. The mountain is a famous Taoist site in China. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Zhongju)

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