
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2017-07-21

7月20日,船只抵达万山群岛海域后,动物救援人员准备将“江江”连同担架一起吊放到海水中。当日,在珠海万山群岛海域,康复的糙齿海豚“江江”在众人陪伴下回归大海。 5月3日晚,广东省江门市黑沙湾发现一搁浅海豚,当地相关部门连夜将“病危”海豚运往位于珠海市的广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局进行营救。经人工帮助呼吸、喂养和注射抗生素,给予胃部药物等治疗后,恢复状况良好。经过两个多月努力,这条国家二级保护动物糙齿海豚最终重回大海。[新华社 刘大伟 摄]
Rescuers make preparation for the release of the rough-toothed dolphin "Jiang Jiang" in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, July 20, 2017. Police received reports on a dolphin being stranded on the coast of Heisha Bay in Jiangmen City on May 3, and called the Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve for help. After over two months' treatment, the dolphin "Jiang Jiang" has recovered and was released on Thursday. (Xinhua/Liu Dawei)

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