
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2017-08-02

7月30日,在宁夏灵武市白芨滩国家沙漠公园,热气球准备升空。当日,中国·宁夏(灵武)热气球节自由飞行试飞活动在宁夏灵武市白芨滩国家沙漠公园举行,共吸引全国32只热气球参加,其中卡通热气球18只。本次热气球节于7月31日在沙漠公园正式开幕。[新华社 隋先凯 摄]
People prepare hot air balloons before flying during a test flight at Baijitan national desert park at Lingwu City, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous region, July 30, 2017. The hot air balloon event was open to the public on Monday and 32 hot air balloons from different areas of China took part in the event. (Xinhua/Sui Xiankai) 

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