
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2017-08-25

这是作品“光盘上的冰场”(8月24日摄)。近日,在台北展出的《微型展——田中达也的奇幻世界》充满童真童趣的作品吸引了众多游客前来观看。据介绍,日本艺术家田中达也使用来源于生活的各种物品,加上自制的小人偶,创作出一个个充满想象力的“微型世界”场景。展览将持续到9月10日。[新华社 周密 摄]
Photo take on Aug. 24, 2017 shows a miniature artwork displayed in Taipei, south China's Taiwan. "Tanaka Tatsuya's Fantastic World", a childlike exhibition held in Taipei with the imaginative mini world of handmade dolls and daily items, is created by Tanaka Tatsuya, a Japanese artist. The exhibition has attracted many people and will last till Sept. 10. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)

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