
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-10-19

10月17日,“姚淑龙复原临摹毗卢寺壁画展”亮相河北师范大学博物馆。石家庄画家姚淑龙历时十载,最终依原貌、原比例绘制完成全堂六壁十彩壁画摹本,使壁画再现原有风采。[中新社 翟羽佳 摄]
An exhibition of the restored frescos of Pilu Temple opened at Hebei Normal University Museum in Shijiazhuang, capital of North China's Hebei province, on Oct 17, 2017. It took Yao Shulong, a local painter, more than 10 years to complete the original scale drawing of these frescos. (Photo:China News Service/Zhai Yujia)

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