重庆景区打造彩色S型公路 市民排队体验

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2017-11-23

11月18日,市民驾车体验彩色“贪吃蛇”S型公路。近日,重庆涪陵红酒小镇沿山修建的彩色S型公路亮相通车,吸引不少市民驾车体验。该公路是景区对外免费开放的体验路段,总长度185米,宽5米,从空中看像一条巨大的“贪吃蛇”。为确保安全,该路段车辆仅限下行,限速每小时5公里。[新华社 刘潺 摄]
Cars run on a snake-shaped road in Chongqing, southwest China, on Nov. 18, 2017. The 185-meter-long one-way road with colorful surface was put into operation as a leisure place for drivers to experience the reality of Snake Game.(Xinhua/Liu Chan)

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