
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2017-12-13

12月11日,中国空军战机进行远洋训练。12月12日,中国空军新闻发言人申进科称,中国空军在11日开展了例行性常态化体系远洋训练,多架轰炸机、侦察机“绕岛巡航”,锤炼提升了维护国家主权和领土完整的能力。空军11日开展的体系远洋训练,出动了轰-6K、苏-30、歼-11和侦察机、预警机、加油机等多型多架战机。轰-6K等战机成体系飞越宫古海峡、巴士海峡,实施了“绕岛巡航”等训练课题,提升了远洋机动能力,检验了远洋实战能力。[新华社 雷军强 摄]

An aircraft of Chinese air force takes part in a regular patrol exercise on Dec. 11, 2017. A Chinese air force formation conducted a regular patrol exercise that passed the Bashi Channel and Miyako Strait on Monday, an air force spokesperson confirmed Tuesday. The formation consisted of H-6K bombers, Su-30 and J-11 fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, early warning aircraft and tanker aircraft, said Shen Jinke, spokesman for the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force, at a meeting of senior air force officers. (Xinhua/Lei Junqiang)

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