罕见!非洲猎豹草原上悠然休息 引来成群长颈鹿围观

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2018-01-16

当地时间2018年1月13日,肯尼亚马赛马拉国家动物保护区,野生动物摄影师Paul Goldstein在当地拍摄到一组罕见的照片,画面中一头雌性猎豹正躺在草原上休息,而它的周边是一群长颈鹿。捕食者和猎物同框,但画面却看着非常和谐。这头猎豹似乎正在安安静静地过它的周末,淡定地趴在平原上,连一点狩猎欲望都没有。它的举动吸引了一群长颈鹿前来围观,它们慢慢靠近猎豹似要研究下它在干什么。不过,最终这群神经紧张的长颈鹿还是走开了。[图片:VCG]

Photo taken by wildlife photographer Paul Goldste show a rare scene of a female cheetah taking it easy despite attracting the attention of a herd of curious giraffes in Kenya's famous reserve Masai Mara, Jan. 13, 2018. The photographer said there were just a few giraffes at first, but then they were joined by others. (Photo/VCG)

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