广东警方侦破特大伪造货币案 缴获假人民币2.14亿元

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网 2018-01-17

1月16日,警方向媒体展示涉案假币半成品。当日,广东省公安厅通报,近日,广东省公安厅经侦局组织汕尾、中山、广州、韶关、揭阳五市警方开展“飓风31号”专案假币案件收网行动,抓获犯罪嫌疑人14名,缴获假人民币2.14亿元。该案创新中国成立以来警方个案收缴假币数量之最。[中新网 陈骥旻 摄]

Police show incomplete and finished counterfeit money seized in raids in five cities – Shanwei, Zhongshan, Guangzhou, Shaoguan and Jieyang - of South China's Guangdong Province, Jan. 16, 2017. The Public Security Department of Guangdong Province said police detained 14 suspects and confiscated 214 million yuan in fake Chinese currency in the raids codenamed "Typhoon No. 31." It is the largest amount of counterfeit money in a single case since 1949. (Photo: China News Service/Chen Jimin)

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