
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2018-03-20

当地时间3月18日,民众在多伦多动物园的倒计时牌前留影,为中国租借给加拿大的4只大熊猫送行。大熊猫们即将从加国第一大城市多伦多迁居至石油城卡尔加里,当日是它们在多伦多与公众见面的最后一天。大熊猫“大毛”和“二顺”于2013年3月25日来到加拿大。按照中加双方的协议,它们要在多伦多和卡尔加里各居住5年。2015年10月,接受了人工授精的“二顺”在多伦多产下双胞胎“加盼盼”、“加悦悦”。 中新社记者 余瑞冬 摄

The Toronto Zoo displays a live countdown clock until the pandas' departure at 6 p.m. on March 18, 2018. The pandas, the pair Da Mao and Er Shun and their cubs Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue, are in Canada on loan as part of the Global Giant Panda Conservation Breeding Program. Da Mao and Er Shun first came to Toronto in March 2013. Their cubs were born to great celebration in October 2015. (Photo: China News Service/Yu Ruidong)

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