
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-03-26

3月23日,在新疆库车县牙哈镇的一处棉田,新亮相的“智能拖拉机”吸引棉农前来参观(无人机拍摄)。眼下,新疆春耕生产正全面开展。在库车县牙哈镇的一片棉田里,耕地、平地、播种等作业全部由搭载自动导航系统的“智能拖拉机”来完成,大大提高了拖拉机作业的标准化,有助于棉农节本增效。[新华社 胡虎虎 摄]

Aerial photo taken on March 23, 2018 shows self-driving tractors in a cotton field at Yaha Township of Kuqa County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The smart tractor, with automatic navigation system, can do farm work itself including ploughing and seeding. [Photo/Xinhua]

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