
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2018-04-09

自4月4日起,黑龙江大兴安岭漠河先后对辖域内的兴安镇、北红村、北极村等易发生冰凌卡塞的江段进行人工破冰工作,爆破总长度5公里,共计282个爆破孔,至8日历时5天,今春的防凌爆破工作顺利完成。【中新网 文/王景阳 王琳 图/王景阳】

Ice is exploded in the Heilong River in Mohe County, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. To prevent chunks of ice from jamming as temperatures rise, local authorities broke up the icy river in a series of controlled explosions from April 4 to 8. (Photo: China News Service/Wang Jingyang)

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