
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-05-07

这是5月5日在德国特里尔拍摄的马克思雕像(局部)。当日,在马克思诞辰200周年之际,由中国赠送的马克思雕像揭幕仪式在他的故乡——德国西南部城市特里尔举行。雕像重约2.3吨,高4.6米,连同基座总高5.5米,由中国雕塑家吴为山创作。[新华社 单宇琦 摄]

Photo taken on May 5, 2018 shows a view of the Karl Marx statue in Trier, Germany. A China-donated statue of German philosopher Karl Marx was unveiled on Saturday in his birth town on the 200th anniversary of his birth. (Xinhua/Shan Yuqi)

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