
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-05-08

主跨即将合龙的蒙华铁路汉江特大桥(5月7日航拍)。经过3年建设,由中铁十一局集团承建的蒙华铁路汉江特大桥主跨合龙在即。蒙华铁路汉江特大桥位于湖北省襄阳市区上游约3公里的汉江上,总长5242米,是蒙华铁路重点控制性工程之一。该桥江面共18座桥墩,位于江面上的主桥为双塔五跨部分斜拉桥,最大跨径248米。[新华社 金伟 摄]

The Hanjiang Bridge of the Menghua Railway is under construction across the Hanjiang River in Xiangyang City, central China's Hubei Province, May 7, 2018. The 5,242-meter bridge is an important part of the 1,817-kilometer heavy-duty railway for coal transport linking north China's coal-rich Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region with central and south China. (Xinhua/Jin Wei)

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