杭州:千名僧人 托钵行脚

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-05-23

5月22日,来自杭州各大寺院、杭州佛学院的僧人托钵行脚,沿天竺路行至杭州灵隐寺附近,接受沿途信众的慈善捐赠(无人机拍摄)。当日,浙江杭州举行“东南佛国·杭州”托钵行脚慈善活动。来自杭州各大寺院、杭州佛学院等1000名僧人著衣持钵,头戴斗笠,从上天竺法喜讲寺出发,沿天竺路,一路托钵行脚至杭州灵隐寺,接受沿途信众的慈善捐赠,所得善款将全部捐赠给慈善机构。[新华社 黄宗治 摄]

Monks holding bowls walk towards Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang Province, on May 22, 2018. Altogether 1,000 monks in Hangzhou participated in a traditional mendicants' walk on Tuesday to walk from Faxi Temple to Lingyin Temple for charity. All the donation received along the way will be donated to charity. (Xinhua/Huang Zongzhi)

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