
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网 2018-06-20

6月18日,正值端午佳节,湖南凤凰古城沱江河上一年一度的抢鸭子习俗吸引了数万游人围观。居民与游客纷纷跳入河中,争抢从吊脚楼上抛下的鸭子,感受这流传百年的传统习俗。[中新网 杨华峰 摄]

Participants compete to grab ducks during a folk event to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in the Tuojiang River in Phoenix Ancient Town, Central China's Hunan Province, June 18, 2018. The duck-chasing tradition in the river has a 100-year history. (Photo: China News Service/Yang Huafeng)

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