少女心爆棚!日本Hello Kitty主题新干线即将粉嫩出发

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2018-06-28

当地时间2018年6月25日,日本福冈,西日本铁路公司向媒体展示Hello Kitty为主题的500系新干线。这趟列车将从6月30日开始运行,从新大阪开往博多,每天往返一次。这列新干线的其中两节车厢内部会出现凯蒂猫的形象,以及岛根、鸟取、大坂、兵库、冈山、广岛、山口和福冈8个县市的主题宣传材料。游客还可以在快照屋与真人大小的凯蒂猫玩偶合影,留下这段旅程的美好记忆。[视觉中国]

West Japan Railway Company unveils Hello Kitty Shinkansen, bullet train, at Hakata Railyard and Factory in Nakagawa-machi, Fukuoka Prefecture on June 25, 2018. It will travel between Shin-Osaka and Hakata station from June 30. Various kinds of Tourist Information will be offered at the first car and visitors can take picture with Kitty at the second. ( Photo/VCG)

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