2018世界机器人大会开幕 各国机器人同场竞技

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2018-08-17

8月15日,2018世界机器人大会开幕,图为悟空机器人在现场演员带领下和小朋友们一起跳舞。该机器人是优必选联合腾讯叮当共同研发的便携式机器人,可应用于家庭、社交、教育、办公等多个场景。[中国网 董宁 摄]

An actress teaches visiting kids to dance with the Monkey King-shaped robot at the World Robot Conference in Beijing on Aug. 15. 2018. This is a type of portable robot jointly developed by UBTECH and Tencent Dingdang. [Photo by Dong Ning/China.org.cn]

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