世界上最贵的鞋子亮相 镶数百颗钻石价值1700万美元

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 2018-09-29

当地时间9月26日,迪拜帆船酒店内展出了一双世界上最贵的高跟鞋,这双金灿灿的鞋价值1700万美元(约合1.2亿元人民币)。这双名为“激情钻石”的高跟鞋镶嵌有数百颗钻石,其中两颗巨型钻石达15克拉。据英国《每日邮报》报道,该鞋为时尚品牌Jada Dubai旗下产品,展出的这双是欧洲尺寸36号。顾客若付清价钱,可为顾客量身定制专属尺寸。[视觉中国]

Touted as the world's most expensive footwear at $17 million, the Passion Diamond shoes is on display alongside Jada Dubai's newly launched collection of jewelled shoes at Burj Al Arab, Dubai, Sept. 26, 2018. Made in collaboration with Dubai's Passion Jewellers, the Passion Diamond pair are crafted from real gold, while a D-flawless 15-carat diamond adorns the toe of each stiletto. A total of 236 diamonds line the opening of the shoe where it meets the foot. (Photo/VCG)

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