昆明:“松茸王”现身 重达到0.9公斤

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2018-10-23

2018年10月19日,昆明,“松茸王”现身云南木水花野生菌交易市场。据市场相关人员介绍,这朵松茸现场称重达到0.9公斤,以前市场也出现过重量超过1公斤的巨型松茸,但10月中旬出现如此大的松茸,市场内还是第一次见。据采购到这朵罕见大松茸的商户朱先生说:“这朵松茸是我从大理巍山收购来的,买这一朵大松茸就花了5000多元。” [视觉中国]

A matsutake mushroom weighing 900 grams is on display at a mushroom market in Kunming City, Southwest China's Yunnan Province. A dealer bought the oversized matsutake for 5,000 yuan ($720) in the province's Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County. The matsutake is one of China's most prized mushrooms. (Photo/VCG)

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