
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-11-12

顾客通过电子点餐机点餐(11月7日摄)。近日,在北京东单北大街上新开了一家没有厨师的快餐店,客人进店后通过电子点餐机选好菜品并进行电子支付,等候几分钟后,由智能炒菜机烹制的菜肴就能出炉。据介绍,智能炒菜机能完成从自动放料、自动炒菜到自动清洁的烹制全过程。餐厅不仅不需要厨师、收银员,而且菜品原料都通过安全可靠的供应链集中加工生产,通过全程冷链配送到门店,保证了食品安全。据悉,这家快餐店现有7台智能炒菜机,已实现鱼香肉丝、手撕包菜、麻婆豆腐等数十个菜品的标准化烹饪。[新华社 罗晓光 摄]

Customers order dishes in a cookless restaurant in central Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 7, 2018. The restaurant, equipped with 7 cooking machines that are programmed to prepare some popular Chinese dishes in minutes without human interference. Working along with smart payment and raw material supply systems, the cooking machine provides instant and standardized dishes. (Xinhua/Luo Xiaoguang)

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