
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2019-02-27

中山站的红色综合楼和绿色度夏楼(2月13日摄)。以孙中山先生的名字命名的中山站,于1989年2月26日在南纬69度22分、东经76度22分的拉斯曼丘陵上建成,是继长城站之后的中国第二个南极考察站。30年来,中山站已经发展成为南极大陆上的一个现代化“科技小镇”,同时也是中国南极内陆考察的枢纽和固定翼飞机的保障基地,在中国南极考察事业中发挥着重要作用。[新华社 刘诗平 摄]

Photo taken on Feb. 13, 2019 shows a view of Zhongshan Station, a Chinese research base in Antarctica. The Zhongshan Station, set up on Feb. 26, 1989, was the second of four scientific research bases on the Antarctic ice sheet built by China since 1964. Today it remains a logistical transit hub for inland expedition on the icy continent. Over the past 30 years, the Zhongshan Station has grown into a modern "scientific town" in Antarctica and can provide logistical services for fixed-wing aircraft, according to the Chinese expedition team. (Xinhua/Liu Shiping)

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