
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网 2019-03-04

3月1日晚,冷湖“火星营地”开营仪式暨火星营地研学之旅在青海省海西州茫崖市冷湖地区举行,标志着中国首个火星模拟基地建成投运。“火星营地”占地面积约80亩,可同时容纳60人睡眠舱住宿,100人帐篷住宿。图为营地“太空舱”。[中新社 孙睿 摄]

One of the living capsules at China's Mars Camp, a Mars simulation base that opened on March 1, 2019. The 5.4 hectare camp can hold 100 people and comes equipped with sleeping capsules for 60 people. (Photo: China News Service/Sun Rui)

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