
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2019-07-30

近日,一家名为Hayri Atak的土耳其建筑设计工作室提议在挪威壮观的峡湾上建造一家精品酒店。准确说来,酒店会建在岩石的一侧,几乎成为悬崖本身的延伸,非常刺激但也极具美感。酒店每一层都有阳台,可以让顾客在一天的任何时间欣赏到令人惊叹的景色。这座五层建筑只有通过“屋顶入口”才能进入,屋顶入口兼作高耸的观景台,可以一览周围山脉和吕瑟峡湾。该建筑最令人兴奋的当属一个悬空的透明泳池,从阳光甲板上延伸出来,让游泳者感觉像是漂浮在峡湾之上。[图片:视觉中国]

Istanbul-based architecture practice Hayri Atak Architectural Design Studio has designed a boutique hotel that is suspended from Norway's Preikestolen cliff. Called Cliff Concept Boutique Hotel, the studio wanted to create a small hotel as if it is the natural part of the rock that creates the hotel itself. Proposing a luxury and unique experience to its visitors, the hotel is characterized with undulating balconies that are shaped according to the form of the rock. Visitors will be able to have a mesmerizing views towards the beautiful landscape of Norway. [Photo/VCG]

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