
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2019-12-19

12月17日,游人在志丹县双河镇毛项峡谷内游览。毛项峡谷位于陕西省延安市志丹县双河镇毛项村,峡谷全长12公里,分为9段,曲折绵延,谷内石壁凹凸不平,其中最窄处只能容一人侧身通过,堪称黄土高原上的自然奇观。[新华社 陶明 摄]

Photo taken on Dec. 17, 2019 shows a view at the Maoxiang canyon in Zhidan County, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The canyon consists of 9 segments with a total length of 12 kilometers. (Xinhua/Tao Ming)

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