
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2020-08-03

4 kestrels released back into wild in NW China's Qinghai

7月31日在青海野生动物救护中心野外放归地拍摄的一只被放归的红隼雏鸟。当日,青海野生动物救护中心(西宁野生动物园)对近期救护的5只红隼进行野外放归。这5只红隼均为市民发现并主动联系救护中心进行救助,经过一段时间的观察和精心照顾,目前它们已具备基本野外生存能力,工作人员在放归后会在放归点投放食物并定时观察,确保雏鸟放归期安全,直到它们完全融入自然环境。在放归活动中,有一只红隼飞行能力较弱,工作人员决定将其回收,继续强化训练。[新华社记者 张龙 摄]

Photo taken on July 31, 2020 shows a kestrel after it was released to the wild in Xining, northwest China's Qinghai Province. Four kestrels, previously rescued by the Qinghai Wildlife Rescue Center, were released back into the wild on Friday. (Xinhua/Zhang Long)

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