
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2020-10-16

Homestay industry increases incomes of local people in Ningde, Fujian

陈蜀曼和爱人一起打造的“拾间海”民宿特色“水院”(9月30日摄,手机拍摄)。“乡村应该有她原来的样子,这里是心的故乡,是我心中最自然的村庄……北漂16年之后,再回归故乡小镇,民宿是我回家的路……”陈蜀曼在日记里这样写道。陈蜀曼,一名土生土长的霞浦海边渔村姑娘,现在是民宿“拾间海”的老板娘。2003年,陈蜀曼从北京某大学设计专业毕业后,与原籍山东、学习建筑学的恋人刘忠民选择留在北京成家创业。但是,在京漂泊十余年的夫妻俩一直对家乡广袤无垠的海景心心念念。于是,从2016年开始,夫妻俩频繁往返北京霞浦两地,四处考察家乡民宿的发展情况。最终,他们放弃了北京月入几万元的工作回到渔村,租下三沙镇东壁村临海的一座4层半小楼,开始了新的创业圆梦之路。创业之初,为搭建自己心目中理想的民宿,一花一木、一草一树;整体到细节,空间布置到色调搭配,夫妻俩都亲力亲为。同时,他们利用专业所学,基础设施打造也不断换代升级。“拾间海”面朝大海,足不出户,便可观海上日出日落,看云卷云舒,听潮来潮去。自2017年8月中旬开张营业至今,“拾间海”民宿共接待来自海内外游客20多万人次。2020年“十一”国庆中秋黄金周期间,“拾间海”接待游客近3000人次。[新华社记者 魏培全 摄]

Photo taken with mobile phone on Sept. 30, 2020 shows a view of the homestay "Shijianhai" in Dongbi Village at Sansha Town of Xiapu County in Ningde, southeast China's Fujian Province. "Xiapu County should be always unspoiled and simply the way it was, such is the hometown where my heart belongs... After 16-year rootless life in big cities, running a homestay here now leads me to the idyllic life I desired in my country home ..." wrote Chen Shuman, owner of the homestay named "Shijianhai", in her diary. Chen Shuman and her husband Liu Zhongmin started their business in Beijing as fresh graduates in 2003. After a visit to her hometown in Xiapu, the magnificent and picturesque scenery at seaside inspired them with the idea of running a homestay, which since then had been lingering in their mind for years. In 2016, the couple started doing surveys on the development of homestay industry in hometown and finally made up their mind to commence their new cause with a four-story building at Dongbi Village of Sansha Town in Xiapu County. Re-designing and decorating the building, the couple used their specialized knowledge learned in universities in an attempt to make it an ideal residence. Distinct in style and comfortable to stay, their homestay has received over 200,000 visits of tourists since its opening in August 2017. During the last eight-day National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, more than 3,000 visitors spent their leisure time here. (Xinhua/Wei Peiquan)

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