
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2021-11-09

这是10月20日拍摄的中国西南野生生物种质资源库外景(无人机照片)。中国西南野生生物种质资源库位于云南昆明北郊。珙桐、喜马拉雅红豆杉、弥勒苣苔……包括许多珍稀濒危植物在内的上万种野生植物的种子,一同栖身于这座“诺亚方舟”内。这里已保存植物种子10601种、85046份,占我国种子植物物种总数的36%;还保存了植物离体培养材料2093种、24100份,动物种质资源2203种、60262份……使我国的特有种、珍稀濒危种及具有重要经济、生态和科学研究价值的物种安全得到有力保障。不管春夏秋冬,种质资源库的冷库温度恒定在零下20摄氏度。在这里,植物种子有望存活几十年,甚至上千年。即便所属物种在野外灭绝,这些种子仍有可能回归自然,延续“香火”。这些沉睡于“诺亚方舟”的植物种子被悉心呵护着,只待某一天被唤醒,重新焕发生命的光彩。[新华社记者 江文耀 摄]

Aerial photo taken on Oct. 20, 2021 shows an outside view of the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province. The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species, located in the northern suburb of Kunming, capital of China's Yunnan Province, is a "Noah's Ark" for tens of thousands of species, including rare Davidia involucrata, Taxus himalayana and Rhinopithecus bieti. The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species has preserved 85,046 accessions from 10,601 species of wild plants, accounting for 36 percent of the number of China's seed plant species. The long-term conservation of a seed is a complex procedure, involving more than 70 steps at the end of which the seed will be stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius. If properly stored, the seed could theoretically stay alive for decades or even thousands of years. [Photo by Jiang Wenyao/Xinhua]

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