
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-01-10

1月4日,曾获中国翻译文化终身成就奖的德语翻译家杨武能(左一)在重庆永川图书馆新馆内与读者交流。当日,重庆永川图书馆新馆正式开馆。该馆占地面积约7000平方米,设有信息查询、图书阅览借还、少儿阅览、报刊阅览、老年阅览、视障阅览、数字文献阅览等功能窗口20余个,可同时接待读者1000余人。近年来,重庆市永川区科学布局城乡阅读空间,积极打造“15分钟阅读文化圈”,努力让城区充满“书香气”。[新华社记者 王全超 摄]

Chongqing Yongchuan Library officially opened in Southwest China's Chongqing on Tuesday. Covering an area of 7,000 square meters, the library is divided into over 20 functional sections including information services, loan and return of books, reading of newspapers, magazines and journals, digital reading, as well as reading sections especially dedicated to children, senior citizens and the physically challenged. The reception capacity of the library can reach over 1,000 people. [Photo/Xinhua]

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