
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-02-08

在新疆昭苏县阿合牙孜沟,牧民在家中吃早餐(1月25日摄)。寒冬一降,万物凋零,但西天山的极深处却藏有旺盛的生机——这是阿合牙孜沟,新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州昭苏县的一处冬季牧场。每年寒冬之前,昭苏县近万名牧民、五十多万头牲畜都会沿着从天山腹地流下的阿合牙孜河,一路溯流而上,进入这片绵延200公里的冬季牧场。牧场平均海拔3000米,有高山挡风,阳光充沛、水流清澈、草场丰茂,是牛羊避寒繁衍的极佳之所,也因过去长期交通不便,素有伊犁河谷“桃花源”之称。近年来,当地政府在保护千年游牧传统的同时,将传统狭窄牧道升级为宽阔的硬化路面,新建通信设施,为千余户牧民家免费安装光伏发电机,大力加强牧业医院建设,“生命之谷”的生活条件持续得到改善。[新华社记者 丁磊 摄]

A herdsmen family have breakfast at home in Akyaz Valley in Zhaosu County, Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Jan. 25, 2022. Akyaz Valley is an important winter pasture for herdsmen in Zhaosu. Every year, herdsmen would migrate along the Akyaz River, driving over 500,000 cattle with them to settle in the valley for the winter. With an average altitude of 3,000 meters, the Akyaz Valley has abundant grass, water and a warmer climate, thanks to the surrounding mountains which block the cold winds. In recent years, while protecting the nomadic tradition, the local government has tried to improve the living conditions in the valley by upgrading the roads, building new communication facilities, installing photovoltaic generators for herdsmen's houses, and constructing animal husbandry hospitals. (Xinhua/Ding Lei)

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